LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (2024)

LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (1)

League of Legends Patch 14.16 has been released recently, bringing some changes to the top-lane meta. If you’re wondering what the next OP picks for Ranked solo queue, this article has you covered. We’ll explore the best toplaner champions to help you climb the ranked ladder.

We’ll provide examples of champions in different tiers, so you can choose the one that best fits your playstyle. This will give you the best chance of carrying your team to victory.

Since the League of Legends meta is always changing, it's important to keep an eye on each patch. Your favorite champion could get nerfed, or a new powerful top-lane champion might emerge.

Table of Contents

  • Tier List Explanation
  • League of Legends 14.16:S-Tier Top Lane Champions
    • Aatrox
    • Garen
    • Aurora
    • Sett
    • Illaoi
    • Camille
    • Darius
    • Nasus
    • Mordekaiser
    • Malphite
    • Dr Mundo
    • Yorick
  • League of Legends 14.16:A-Tier Top Lane Champions
    • Fiora
    • Kled
    • Teemo
    • Kennen
    • Singed
    • Riven
    • Shen
    • Renekton
    • Cho'Gath
    • Wukong
    • Warwick
    • Olaf
    • Irelia
  • League of Legends 14.16:B-Tier Top Lane Champions
    • Kayle
    • Jax
    • Gragas
    • Ryze
    • Akali
  • League of Legends 14.16:C-Tier Top Lane Champions
    • Gangplank
    • Skarner
    • Yasuo
    • Rumble
    • Vayne
  • League of Legends 14.16: D-Tier Top Lane Champions
    • Heimerdinger
    • Rammus
    • Twisted Fate
  • Summary of Best Top Lane Champions in League of Legends Patch 14.16
LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (2)


Tier List Explanation

This tier list will examine some of the most-played League of Legends champions in the top lane. Keep in mind that this is for Emerald+ divisions.

  • S-Tier: The best champions you can use to ensure you are always victorious.
  • A-Tier: Great options but lacking just slightly either in terms of damage or utility.
  • B-Tier: Viable and reliable in most situations, you can manage rather decently.
  • C-Tier: Although they can be somewhat decent, you are better off with other picks.
  • D-Tier: You should avoid playing these champions as much as possible.

NOTE: Although this tier list strives to be as objective as possible in terms of viability, you should not limit yourself to strictly adhere to this list, but rather experiment and see which champion feels fun to play with.

LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (3)


League of Legends 14.16:S-Tier Top Lane Champions

LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (4)


Aatrox has once again landed on top of the top lane tier list. He's dealing some serious damage and he's healing by abusing Sundered Sky.


  • Great sustain
  • Amazing damage
  • Enhanced mobility and CC


  • Easy to pick up, difficult to master

LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (5)


Garen is so easy to play and so powerful. He has insane damage and built-in sustain which can help him solo-carry any game.

LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (6)


Aurora wasn't scary upon release, but now she's absolutely amazing thanks to her mobility. The only downside is her 40% ban rate.


  • Great poke and harass
  • Exceptional in skirmishes
  • Significant damage


  • Squishy


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No changes here - Sett is still OP in the top lane, thanks to his OP damage.


  • High damage
  • Innate tankiness
  • Great laning phase


  • Lack of proper engage tools

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Illaoi is the star of Swarm and also one of the best top laners on the Summoner Rift. There's no getting away from her once you face her!


  • High damage
  • Innate tankiness
  • Amazing in team fights


  • Lack of mobility and CC

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Support Camille might not be viable anymore but she's still amazing in the top lane. She's an oppressive split-pusher with great engage capabilities.


  • Incredible laning phase
  • Superb damage
  • Can apply a lot of pressure on the map


  • Has some annoying counters
  • Not an easy champion

LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (10)


Darius is one of the best top laners in the current meta. He has an outstanding damage output, which allows him to consistently apply pressure and win trades. When played well, Darius can snowball games easily.

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Patch 14.15 buffed Nasus and he's still going strong in the current one.Although he excels in the mid-game, you can do a lot for the team with his split pushing capabilities.


  • Tanky and reliable damage
  • Very oppressive slow


  • Lack of mobility


LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (12)


Mordekaiser is still in the S-tier. His kit is insanely oppressive during the laning phase and he has enough damage to handle a lot of team fights.


  • Great team fighting due to his ultimate
  • Good laning phase


  • Lack of mobility

LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (13)


Malphite is so good in patch 14.16 - he's an anti-AD tank pick with an amazing poke. Total lane bully.


  • Incredible tankiness
  • Great CC
  • Reliable laning phase


  • May have mana problems if you opt for a tankier build

LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (14)

Dr Mundo

Mundo has turned into a very difficult champion to play against. He's an absolute monster when it comes to objectives and damage.

LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (15)


You will be on a win steak if you pick Yorick. The best thing about him is that even the worst game is winnable with him, as long as you abusehis split-pushing potential.


League of Legends 14.16:A-Tier Top Lane Champions

LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (16)


Fiora is moving down to the A-tier. She's still amazing, just not as OP. Her mains can look forward to Battle Queen Fiora in the next patch!


  • Incredible damage
  • Amazing split pushing
  • Annoying poke


  • Difficult to master

LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (17)


Kled is still a very decent champion pick for Ranked. His global ultimate gives a huge MS boost which you can abuse.

LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (18)


Teemo is doing better in patch 14.16. He's fun and easy to play, doing some decent damage. Keep in mind he's still very squishy in the current meta.

LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (19)


Kennen could be a lane bully if played right. He is a great pick if you are looking to help out your team in team fights.

LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (20)


Singed is a niche pick as you will need to master proxy farming as well as waste the enemy team's time so your team can either grab important objectives or win lanes. You need to balance being selfish and selfless whilst also being a very annoying champion to deal with.


LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (21)


Riven is one of the OP Swarm champions and she's good in regular play too, bringing lots of damage to the table. However, it's not as easy to master Riven as it looks like.

LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (22)


Shen is an amazing pick in patch 14.16 thanks to his great taunt and split pushing. He's definitely someone you play in order to get objectives.

LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (23)


Renekton was in the D-tier in the last toplaner list. However, he's shining though in the current League of Legends patch.

LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (24)


Cho'Gath is moving up a tier, being a perfect pic for teams lacking a tank and some AP damage.

LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (25)


Wukong got buffed in patch 14.16. However, the changes to his passive and E didn't boost him to S-Tier. He's still very good and we'll definitely be seeing more of him in Ranked.

LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (26)


Warwick is keeping his spot in the A-tier being an unexpectedly stable and decent toplaner.

LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (27)


Olaf is a great pick into CC-heavy comps so you can run down the enemy carries, however, you will need a lot of help from your team to follow up your dives.

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Irelia might be losing her relevancy in the mid lane but she's still an amazing choice for top lane.


League of Legends 14.16:B-Tier Top Lane Champions

LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (29)


Kayle might have a horrible early game but she turns into a monster late game. Her scaling is absolutely insane!

LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (30)


Jax is doing much better in this patch, after he received a nerf to his E in LoL patch 14.15.

LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (31)


Gragas offers a unique combination of damage, crowd control, and sustain, making him a very valuable League of Legends champion.

LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (32)


Ryze is a versatile champion who can seamlessly fit into any team composition. His ability to adapt to different playstyles makes him a strong pick in various situations. One of Ryze's standout strengths is his excellent split-pushing capability, which is so important for winning Ranked games.

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Some enjoy playing Akali top but we all know the performance here depends on the matchup. Do keep in mind that she's one of those champions who either carry or drag the team down - feeding with her can be quite easy.


League of Legends 14.16:C-Tier Top Lane Champions

LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (34)


Gangplank is losing some relevancy although he can still be decent in the right player's hands.

LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (35)


This champion got a serious buff in patch 14.16 but it wasn't enough to move them to the top tiers.

LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (36)


Yasuo is absolutely OP as a midlaner in the current meta but he's lacking in the top lane. You should absolutely opt to playing him in mid instead.

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Rumble was hit hard with the nerf hammer as his Q damage is very weak so you will struggle to effectively trade in lane, but you can still get a lot of value just by zoning enemies with your ultimate.

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The trend of ADCs in midlane and toplane isn't really viable in the current League of Legends meta. Still decent but not that good.


League of Legends 14.16: D-Tier Top Lane Champions

LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (39)


Keep Heimer in the mid lane unless you want to absolutely throw the game for the whole team. It's definitely not his time to shine.

LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (40)


Rammus is lacking compared to all other top laners and you should avoid picking him.

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Twisted Fate

Decent mid laner, horrible top laner - keep Twisted Fate in the mid lane if you don't want a losing streak.


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Summary of Best Top Lane Champions in League of Legends Patch 14.16

All in all, this League of Legends tier list is surely to change based on balance changes the devs implement but it should give you a general idea of which champions are strong and which might need some additional tuning to become more viable.

TierTop Lane Champions
S-TierAurora, Aatrox, Camille, Sett, Illaoi, Nasus, Mordekaiser, Dr Mundo, Yorik, Darius, Garen,Malphite
A-TierIrelia, Olaf, Wukong, Warwick, Cho'Gath, Renekton, Shen, Riven, Singed, Kennen, Teemo, Kennen, Kled, Fiora
B-TierAkali, Ryze, Gragas, Jax, Kayle
C-TierYasuo, Vayne, Skarner, Gankplank, Rumble
D-TierTwisted Fate, Heimerdinger, Rammus


LoL 14.16 Top Lane Tier List: Best Ranked Toplaner Champ Picks (2024)


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