The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)

mixed, light mixed, packing pigs, selected. bulk of sales, Sheep Receipts, about head; market steady; sheep, yearlings, lambs, $5.0007.50. Kansas City Live Stock. KANSAS CITY, July 19,000 head, including 500 southerns; market steady; native steers, 7.10; southern steers, southern cows, native cows ands heifers, stockers and feeders, bulls, western fed steers, 54.25015.50; western fed cows, $2.75 4.50. Hogs Receipts, 7,000 head; market strong to 5c higher; bulk, a $5.85 6.00; heavy, packers, pigs and lights, Sheep--Receipts, 6,000 head; lambs, market steady; muttons, 7.65; range wethers, $5.00 ted ewes, $4.5006.25.

South Omana Live Stock. SOUTH OMAHA, July -Receipts, 6,500 head; market, best steady, others 10415c lower; native steers, cows and heifers, 6.25; western steers, Texas steers, cows and heifers, $2.50 canners, and teeders, calves, bulls and stags, Hogs-Receipts, 6,500 head; market 540 10c higher: heavy, mixed, $5.90 light, pigs, $5.75 bulk of sales, Sheep-Receipts, 2,500 head; market steady; yearlings, $6.60 g6.15; wethers, $5.00 ewes, lambs, St. Louis Live Stock. ST. LOUIS, July 22-Cattle-Receipts.

9,500 head, including 6,500 Texans; market lower: beef steers, $4.00 7.30; stockers and feeders, cows and heifers, Texas steers, $3.860 6.00; cows and heifers, 4.00. Hogs-Receipts, 3,500 head; market higher; pigs and lights, packers, butchers' and best heavy, 86.1506.20. Sheep--Receipts, 1,800 head; market steady; natives, lambs, $4.00 7.15. Sioux City Live Stock. SIOUX CITY, July CattleReceipts, 2,000 head; steady to strong; beeves, fat cows and heifers, grass cows, stockers, feeders, Hogs 3,700 head, higher, $5.65 bulk of sales, $5.70 5.80.

The Wool Market, ST. LOUIS, July territory and western mediums, fine medium, fine, Grain Market New York Grain. NEW YORK, July 22-Wheat-Receipts, 78,000 exports, 71,826 bu. Spot, firm; No. 2 red, elevator; No.

2 red, 1. o. b. afloat. Except for a brief early decline due to bearish weather news and early cables, wheat was firm and higher all day.

Shorts covered extensively on reports of black rust in Minnesota, the market closing firm at 10 to net advance. July closed at September, 97 5-16, closed December, closed Stay. 1.06¼. closed Corn- -Recelpts, 198,875 bu; exports, 67,307 bu. Spot, firm; No.

2, elevator and 600 f. 0. b. afloat; No. 2 white, and No.

2 yellow, f. o. afloat. The option market was without transactions, closing net unchanged July closed at 60c, September closed at 61c, December closed at 50c, May closed at Oats--Receipts, 117,300 bu; exports, 750 bu. Spot, steady; mixed, 26 to 32 lbs, Natural white, 30 to 33 lbs, clipped white, 36 to 40 lbs, Kansas City Grain.

KANSAS CITY, July 22. -WheatSeptember, December, May, cash, No. 2 hard, No. 3, No. 2 red, 830840; No.

3, Corn- July, September, December, cash. No. 2 mixed, No. 3, No. 2 white, No.

3, Oats--No. 2 white, No. 2 mixed, 47c. 8t. Louls Grain.

ST. LOUIS, July No. 2 red cash, new, No. 2 hard, September, December, Corn-Futures, higher; cash, lower; track, No. 2 cash, 52c; No.

2 white, September, December, Oats-Futures, higher; cash, lower; track, No. 2 cash, 40c; No. 2 white, 48c; September, December, Minneapolis Grain. MINNEAPOLIS, July -September closed at December, closing cash on track, No.1 hard, No. 1 northern, to arrive, No.

northern, to arrive, AN NY MONEY Peoria Grain. PEORIA, July 22. No. 3 yellow, No. 3, No.

4, no grade, Oats-Inactive; No. 3 white, Liverpool Grain. Liverpool Grain. LIVERPOOL, July quiet; No. 2 red western winter, 75 1d; futures, steady; July, 7s September, 79 December, 78 5d.

Corn-Spot, hess dried, bs; old northern, steady, 58 3d; futures, quiet; July, nominal; September, 48 Produce Market Produce Market Dairy Products and Poultry. NEW YORK, July street. prices, extra creamery, official prices, creamery, common to extra, state dairy common to fancy, 20 western factory, common to firsts, western Imitation creamery, firsts, 22c. firm; state, full cream, colored and white, small best, same, large, colored, same, white, same, fair to good, same, inferlor. skims, Eggs--Firm; state Pennsylvania and nearby, fancy, selected, white, do choice, do brown and mixed fancy, firsts to extra firsts, western selected finest, do average best, (official prices, firsts, 18c).

Poultry- Nominally unchanged. Dressed shade easier; western chickens, turkeys, fowls, CHICAGO. July 22. Butter -Steady; creameries, 21 dairies, Eggs--Steady, at mark, cases included, Cheese Steady; dalstes, twins, 12 Young America, Poultry-Alive, steady; turkeys. 12c; chickens, springs ST.

LOUIS, July chickens, 18c; springs, 16c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 8c; geese, 5c. Butter-Steady creamery, Eggs Steady, 12c case count. KANSAS CITY, July 24 packing, Eggs-Extras, 17e; firsts, New York Produce. NEW YORK, July 22-Lard-Steady; western, firm, refined, firmer; continent, South American, compound, Sugar-Raw, firm; fair refining, 3.33½c; centrifugal, 96 test, molasses sugar, 3.08½c; refined, steady. Coffee- Spot, steady; Rio No.

7, milled, quiet; Cordova, Elgin Butter, ELGIN, July 22-Butter-Firm and unchanged at 25c. Output for the week, 1,004,200 lbs. Chicago Flaxseed. CHICAGO, July 22. -Flaxseed--Receipts, one car.

The market was steady. Offerings were light and demand quiet. No. northern closed at $1.22 and No. 1 from the northwest at Rejected ranged at Duluth closed unchanged to lower, with July at and October at Northwestern receipts were 55 cars, 28 cars at Minneapolis and 27 at Duluth.

Swift Company's sales of fresh beef in Des Moines for the week ending Saturday, July 20, averaged 7.19 cents per pound. Read the Want Ad Pages today. THE REGISTER AND LEADER: TUESDAY MORNING. JULY 23. 1907.


NEW YORK, July operations for the advance in a limited group of stocks which distinguished the stock market at all times last week were discontinued today. The tone was promptly responsive and became dull and heavy. The action of the market had little in the news to explain, unless it might be the resumption of, an advertising campaign on the long side which has been distrusted in previous stages and which offered companionship considered undesirable by friends of higher prices. Speculative sentiment may have been affected to some extent by the tone of warning amongst banking and financial authorities of the threatened inadequacy of money market resources to any considerable speculative undertaking in the stock market. Tre Influence was not directly effective in the money market, however, which is the only point at which It usually receives attention from professional operators in stock.

Money is Easy. Money call, in fact, continued to rule easy, and it is only in the more remote prospect that inconvenience to borrowers is expected. The halt today was partly due to skeptdeism of the rumors which caused the rise of the latter part of last week. Substantial difficulties were pointed out in the carrying out of the supposed readjustment of control of Burlington by the Northern Pacifle and the Great Northern. An installment fell due today of some $14,000,000 on Union Pacific convertible bonds, which fall almost wholly to the underwriters, and with a considerable interval to elapse before another payment, it was believed that an immediate motive of stimulating the market for the bonds through the stock was withdrawn.

Reports of labor troubles in the iron mines had a bad effect on United States Steel. The pressure on stock was not severe at any time and quite general 1e- coveries ensued on the marking up of Southern Pacific and Atchison in the last half hour. The closing was heavy, Bonds were steady. Total sales, par value, $878,000. U.

S. 2s advanced per cent and the coupons declined per cent on call. The following were the closing bids on the New York Stock exchange: Adams Express.155 M. St. 41 Amal.

Cop. Mo. Pacific 754 Am. C. K.

do pid .100 do pfd Am. Cot. Oil National 61 do pid 86 N. R. of M.

pid. Am. Express ...210 N. Y. Central Am.H.

L.pfd. 19 N. Y. 0. 36 Am.

Ice 59 Norfolk Am. Lin. Oil 9 do pid 75 do pid North Am. 681 Am. Loco.

59 (Pacific Mail 305 do pid Pennsylvania Am. S. Ring 118 People's Gas 913 do pid 106 St.L. 69 Am. S.

Press. Steel Car Am. T. pid ctf. do pfd 90 Anac.

Min. Pull. Pal. Atchison Reading do pfd 93 do 1st pid 80 At. Coast 97 do 2d pid 78 Balt.

Repub. Steel 28. do pid 86 do pid Brooklyn R. 66 Rock Island Co. Can.

Pac. do pfd 47 Central of J.180 Rubber G. 95 Chesa. 35 St.L. S.F.?pid.

G. St. L. S. W.

C. N. do pfd M. St. Southern Pac.

C. T. T. 5 do pid do pid 15 Southern Ry. St.L.

do pid 66 Colo. F. 314 Tenn. C. Colo.

Texas 30 do 1st pid St. L. do pid 45 do pfd 4914 Con. Gas .117 Union Pac. Corn Prod.

do pid 83 do pfd U. S. Dela. U. 52 L.

U. S. 35 Den. Rio do 1st pfd do pfd 70 U. S.

Steel 36 Dis. do pid ..100 Erie Va. do 1st pfd 59 do pid ....101 do 2d pid Wabash Gen. Electric do pid 051 Ill. Central W.

F. do pid Wset. 79 Interna. Paper. West.

Electric. Interna. Wheel. L. do pid 70 Wis.

Central Iowa 17 do pid 40 do pid 39 Steel K. C. Southern. Cent. Lea.

do pfd 567 do pfd 43 Louts. Gt. Nor. pfd Mex. Central Int.

Met S.S. M. 107 do pid do pfd .135 Nor. Pac. Total sales for the day, 479,600 shares.

New York Money. NEW YORK, July on CallSteady at per cent; ruling rate at closing bid, offered at 3. Time Loans- Very strong; sixty days, per cent; ninety days, six months, 6. Paper--Prime mercantile, per cent. business in bills at $4.86.90 0 4.86.95 Sterling Exchange, with actual for demand and at for sixty day bills.

Commercial Bar Silver Mexican Dollars Bonds- Government, Irregular; railroad, steady. U.S.rfg 2s Jap. 65 etfs do coupon ....10512 do 2d series 991 U. S. 39 Jap.

etfs do coupon ....103 do 48 reg.127¼ Jap. 45 ctfs 80 do coupon CHICAGO. July York Exchange -Sold at 10c discount. The Cotton Market. NEW YORK, July opened steady; July, 11.460 bid; August, 11.400; September, 11.32c; October, 11.66c; December, 11.73c; January, 11.78c: February, offered, 11.86c; March, April, 11.90c bid; May, 11.970.

LIVERPOOL, July 22-CottonSpot, quiet; prices unchanged; American GALVESTON, July Steady, 13c. The Lead Market. ST. LOUIS, July 22-Lead-Dull, spelter, dull, $5.90. Local Wholesale Grain and Hay Market Hay--Choice lots, timothy, car lots, less than prairie, car lots, less than car lots, $11.50.

Feed cracked corn, $23.00: coarse meal, middlings, ground shorts, bran, $24.00. Cereals--Bolted meal, per kiln dried. rye flour, family, per pure rye flour, c. C. graham, 10-10 lb cartons, $2.20.

Flour and Minnesota patents, car lots, local lots, Iowa and Minnesota straights, car lots, local Jots, Iowa and Minnesota first clear lots, local lots. $4.20. Linseed Oil Cake -Ground cake, car loads, ground cake, single tons. lots, 500-lb lots, 100-1b lots. $1.55, Linseed Oil--Raw, 45c and boiled, 46c per gallon; in 5 barrel lots, 1c per gallon less; all f.

0. b. Des Moines, Local Wholesale Produce and Commission. Butter -Best creamery, 25c; No. 2 creamery, 23c; renovated, 21c; dairy, 20c; packing stock, 18c.

Eggs--No. 1, 14c; No. 2, 9c. Poultry- Hens, spring, 15c. Potatoes -New.

Cabbage 3c per Lemons- Crate, per crate. per crate. Canteloupes- California, Texas, per crate. Watermelons--Georgia, 25(30c each. Arkansas peaches- per basket crate, per crate.


CHICAGO, July reported appearance of black rust in the wheat fields North Dakota caused wheat ora market here today, the September delivery closing at a net gain of Corn was up Oats were higher. Provisions were 5c to higher. The reports of black rust formed the chief source of strength to the market, but there were also other factors, The Liverpool market which had been weak at the opening of the local exchange, became strong and closed firm. Other factors were reports of rain in the southwest which will delay harvesting operations and the talk of small yields of winter wheat. Last Half is Active.

The trading during the last half of the session was active. The market opened quiet, but closed strong, but with prices close to the high point of the day. September opened to lower, at to 91c, sold off to and then advanced to The close was Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 875,900 bus. The amount on passage decreased 1,698,000 bus. The visible supply decreased $49,000 bus.

Primary receipts were 940,000 bus, against 1,648,000 bus on the same day last year. Minneapolla, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 450 cars, against 591 cars last week and 1,088 cars one year ago. The corn market was weak early in the day, because of the excellent weather for the new crop. Later sentiment became bullish of the strength of wheat and the reported large areas of corn under water in the southwest. The market closed strong and close to the high price of the day.

September opened to lower at to advanced to and closed at Local recelpts were 205 cars, with 24 of contract grade. Oats Rallies With Other Grains. The oats market opened weak, hiefly because of the good growing weather. Later the market rallied along with other grain and closed strong. September opened to lower at to sold at and then advanced to The close was at Local receipts were 113 cars.

Provisions were firm because of higher prices for live hogs. The feature the market was the buying of lard by' local aud outside packers. At the close September pork was up bo at Lard was up at 39.221 Ribs were higher at $8.75. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Easy. Wheat-No.

spring, No. 8, No. 2 red, Corn-No. 2, No. 2 yellow, Oats--No.

2, 43c; No. 3 white, Rye-No. 2, 85c. Barley--Good feeding, fair to choice malting, Flaxseed--No. 1 northwestern, $1.22, Timothy Seed--Prime, $4.65.

Clover grades, $15.50. Short Ribs--Sides (loose), Mess Pork-Per bbl, Lard--Per 100 lbs, $9.05. Short Clear--Sides (boxed), Whisky--Basis of highwines, $1.31. Articles, Receipts. Shipments.

Flour, barrels 19,800 23,000 Wheat, bushels 53,400 4,600 Corn, bushels .249,600 724,500 Oats, bushels ....180.700 217,200 Barley, bushels 15,400 Range of Prices. CHICAGO, July 21. -The leading futures ranged as follows: Wheat. Open. High.

Low. Close. 89 Sept. 1.01⅞ 1.00⅞ Corn. 0 6284 487 495 50 Oats.

42 43 43 41 40 Pork, 16.56 16.55 16.50 16.52½ Lard. 9.17½ 9.23½ 9.17½ 9.22½ 9.22½ 9.27½ 9.22½ 9.27½ Ribs. 8.75 8.77½ 8.72½ 8.75 Oct. 8.72½ 8.72½ 8.70 8.70 HARPER WARD Members Chicago Board of Trade, 494- 6-6 Good Block. Phones 815 and 950.

Correspondents WARE LELAND, Chicago, Ordors In Grain and Stocks Solicited. Private Wires. Harper Ward's Market Letter. Ware Leland, Correspondents. Wheat--Selling was quite free early, with some stop orders reached, and was due to declines abroad, along with favorable weather conditions, while weakness in corn and oats gave rise to bear1sh comment, Late strength in Liverpool, however, and buying by a few local operators Induced shorts to cover, as it was evident that liquidation had spent its course and there were enough damage reports from the northwest to cause a revulsion of sentiment, especially when Mr.

Patten announced his views on the crop situation. The visible showed small decrease but weather conditions in the southwest were not favorable for movement with talk of farmers holding and there were reports of export business at the saaboard as well 88 the southwest. Probably the most Influential factor in furthering advances were reports of black rust at several points in Minnesota and it was Instrumental in sending many buying in here with the closing strong. The spring wheat situation now will be watched more closely than ever, and we are of the opinion that purchases should be made on all recessions. Corn-There was selling early on cheaper La Plata offerings abroad and magnificent weather over Sunday, but commission houses bought and shorts covered, due to the strength in wheat, a number of reports also being received of damage to crop in river bottoms, our advices indicating that thousands of acres in the American bottoms will be ruined.

Cash business was slow, there was an increase in the visible, but it is possible that further recoveries may be witnessed. Oats The early bear movement petered out quickly on the appearance of good buying that was led by the Patten party, as well as many bad crop reports from different portions of the west, Our advices were all of that nature and the impression is now being created that the crop will be largely short, meaning higher prices. Provisions--Hogs were in smaller supply than expected, leading packers, as well as Milwaukee houses bought lard and the market showed a better front all around with cash trade improving. It looks as if higher prices will be witnessed for product. Live Stock Market Chicago Live Stock.

CHICAGO, July Cattle about 22,000 head; market steady to 10c higher; common to prime steers, 7.35: cows. heifers, bulls, calves, stockers and feeders, Hogs--Receipts, about 33,000 head; market 10c higher; good to prime heavy, $6.05 (06.15; medium to good heavy. butcher weights, good to prime OFFICIAL WEATHER STATISTICS The following table gives the state of the weather at the places mentioned at 7 p. Central time. Minimum temperatures are for the past twenty-four hours; Station.

Wind. Wthr. Tp.Mx. Mn. Pr.

Abilene clear) ...90 92 72 Amarillo clear) .89 90 64 Bismarck pt. 80 62 Charles City 78 64 Cheyenne clear) 86 64 Tr Chicago 80 70 Concordia (8., pt. cldy). ...80 90 Davenport clear) .04 Denver pt. cldy) .82 Des Molnes (nw.

....81 Detroit pt. cidy) 68 .54 Devils Lake pt. Dodge City ...76 92 70 Tr Dubuque 82 70 1.04 Durango (8., eldy) 84 52 Tr El Paso eldy) 92 Tr Galveston clear) Grand Junction 96 Havre clear) 84 52 Helena clear) 82 Tr Huron eldy) 80 58 Tr Kansas City clear) 86 76 Lander Modena 48 North Platte Oklahoma clear) 92 Omaha eldy) ...80 84 Tr Peoria 88 .02 Pueblo Rapid City 56 .06 Roswell pt. 64 St. Louis pt.

92 78 St. Paul 78 Santa Fe eldy) 54 Tr Salt Lake City 64 Sault Ste. Marie 66 62 Tr Valentine pt. eldy) .64 78 58 .02 Williston ...80 80 54 Yellowstone P'k 78 46. .42 Excess of precipitation at Des Moines for 1907, 2.10 Inches.

The temperature as observed at the local office of the United States weather bureau yesterday was as follows: 6 a. .70 2 p. 82 8 a. ..72 p. m.

10 a. 76 6 p. .83 12 ...80 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION. The following articles were fled for record in the office of the secretary of state July 22, 1907: Colfax Telephone amendment. Increase of capital to $25,000.

Patrons' Ice company, Des Moines. Capital, $15,000. Lyons Manufacturing Clinton. Capital $10,000. Iowa Pump and Manufacturing Fort Dodge.

Amendment increasing capital to $30,000. Farmers' Savings bank, Lacona. $10,000. Farmers' Mutual Fire and Lighting Insurance association. Renewal.

Farmers' Savings bank, Ruthven. $5,000 increase capital. Farmers' Savings bank, Benton county. Capital increased to $25,000. St.

Olaf Stock Co. Capital $5,000. Dundee Land and Investment Dundee. Capital $30,000. Davenport Elks' Building Davenport.

Capital $50,000. Mason City Hospital Co. Capital $25,000. Security Title and Trust Co, Webster City Changed name to Security Title and Loan Co German-American Land Davenport. Capital $10,000.

DISTRICT COURT RECORD. F. Hartkemeyer vs. Jessie D. Griffith.

Petition. P. D. Hatfield vs. A.

S. Shultz, et al. Amendment to answer of Henry Hawking. George De Bolt vs. Bessie J.

De Bolt. Petition for divorce. Harriet S. Cole vs. Crawford A.

Cole. Petition for divorce. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. The following transfers of realty were made of record Monday, July 22. 1907: Mrs.

James Marsh and husband, Mrs. William R. Ripke and husband, and Oliver P. Burris to J. E.

Durham and Belle Durham, lot 26, block 36, Stewart's 1,200 Frank Thompson, Carl B. Pray and Ralph A. Clark, referees, to Alfred M. Pence, sw. sec.

10, township 81, range 23, and w. se. section 10, township 81, range 23 12,000 MARRIAGE LICENSE RECORD. W. M.

Hogan, city, 28 Margaret McDonnell, city, .28 W. R. Coon, Ames, 40 Grace S. Underhill, Ames, .40 John Hill, city, .35 Fannie Bullington, city, 42 W. J.

Trump, city, .90 Hazel Monkford. elty, HELP WANTED--MALE. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED -A large income assured to anyone who will act as our representative after learning our business thoroughly by mail. Experience unnecessary. All we require is honesty, ambition and willingness to learn a lucrative business.

No soliciting or traveling. An exceptional opportunity for those who desire to better their conditions and make more money. For full particulars address elther office, Natianal Co-Operative Realty 722 Athenaeum Chicago, or 722 Maryland Washington, D. C. AN OPPORTUNITY to join the Navy.

A large number of Iowa men have recently enlisted. A chance to learn trade, board, lodging, medical attendance, and $60 outfit of clothing free. Good pay with opportunities to increase It. Electricians, clerks, machinists, firemen, carpenters, cooks, and men without trades but of good -character, accepted. Call or write U.

S. Navy Recruiting Station, News Arcade Building, Des Moines; Davenport, Dubuque, or Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 731 HAVE YOU EXECUTIVE ABILITY services, Offices in 18 cities. Service strictly confidential HAPGOODS (Inc.) Brain Brokers. 1018 Hartford Chicago Men with the capacity for getting results from others -for carrying out big undertakings -are soarce.

If you have such ability write us today stating position desired and we will tell you of employers who need competent Superintendents, Foremen, Office, Advertising, Traffio and General Managers, Buyers, Crodit Men, Auditors, Becretaries, Treasurers, etc, at $1000-35000 a year. A tew positions for men having money to invest with their WANTED -Man between 30 and 40 years old to take charge of rental and repair department in real estate office: salary, $50 first 6 months. and if satisfactory, $75 a month and half increased business and half of sale commissions; right man can make $150 to $250 a month; give references and business experience in own handwriting; only men of good habits need apply, and enclose stamp for answer. Address 63 care Register and Leader. 397 REPRESENTATIVES wanted that are well represented and known, to handle a high class security in California; free trips to Investors to investigate security; good contracts.

guaranteeing salary and commission; good man should make at least from $3,000 and up yearly. Write, stating past experience, 207 Couch Portland, Ore. 89 WANTED FOR U.S. -Able bodied unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 85; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. Men wanted now for service in Cuba.

For information apply to Recruiting Officer, 509 Mulberry Des Molnee. Ia. 731 A GOOD all around country printer can secure a permanent position at a good salary by writing or coming to The Fonda Times, Fonda, Iowa, at once. Man must be fast and accurate and no "booser" need apply. 393 I MADE in 5 years in the maii order business; began with $5.

Ani one can do the work home in spare time. Send for free booklet. Tells how to get started. Manager, Box 818, Lockport, N. Y.

817 Men Wanted Muckers, wagon and wheeler skinners, at Fraser, Iowa, six miles north of Boone, Iowa, on Newton R. wages $2.25 and $2.50. Hanenkratt Owen. 730 TAILOR WANTED--Man capable of running country shop, also cleaning and pressing; will pay best wages and give steady work; must be good coat maker and all around man. Address, Lock box 120, Coon Rapids, Ia.

728 $70 SALARY and office expenses to apeclal assistants residing in good outside towns. Very pleasant work and good opening for reliable young men. Address immediately, V-118, Register and Leader. 87 WANTED -Man (white) for night policeman; must be large, strong, strictly temperate, of good habits and have good credentials. Permanent position.

Address 201, care Register and Leader. 194 WANTED AT ONCE--A good all around tinner and furnace man. Would like man who can do ordinary plumbing; must be sober and steady; good wages. X-499, Register and Leader. 0625 FIREMAN 8 hrs.

$2.25. Mut. 7940K. 391 HELP WANTED--MALE. MEN and boys to make simple drawings, devote spare or whole time; experience unnecessary; splendid income; write for particulars.

International Art League, Lockport, N. Y. 725 STATIONARY engineer, $14; fireman, $50; express driver, team driver, coachman, $50; houseman, $24 and board. House of Employment, 405 I. L.

T. Bld. 391 BUYING diamonds is saving money; start to saving today; watches and jew. elry on credit; just pay as you can; your pin money will do It. Smith's, News Arcade; open evenings (repairing).

395 WANTED--A good clothing salesman with experience; single man preferred. Address, giving references, The Hub, Iowa Falls, Iowa. 0723 THREE WIDE AWAKE, energetic men wanted on good salary and commission. References required. Address V-108, RegIster and Leader.

611 ANY intelligent person may earn good income corresponding for newspapers; perience unnecessary. Send for particulars. Press Syndicate, Lockport. N. Y.

817 WANTED 3 good men, married, at Fairview Dairy: farm houses furnished: good wages to competent men Address city. Mut. phone 7769-B. 0719 WANTED -Young man to learn stereotyping. Call Western Newspaper Union, 7th and Plumb.

391 WANTED -25 men for curbing at 11th and School $2 per day. G. M. King Construction Co. 393 WANTED- A girl for general housework.

N. W. er. of 14th and Center; Mut. 1062.

0721 WANTED--Good married man, fruit and nursery work. Cyrus Harvey, Altoona, Iowa 776 Few good laborers furnished work free. Guarantee Employment, Room 6, News Arcade. 391 POSITIONS for drug men anywhere U. S.

or Canada. F. V. Kniest, Omaha, Neb. 067 WANTED- Coal shovelers, Rock Island road.

Inquire, Closson, No. 2 6th ave. 0717 WANTED- Good barber at once. $12 per wk. John Kidman, Sioux Rapids, la.

173 WANTED--Experienced man for silver. etc. Crown Restaurant, 323 Locust. 371 MEN for sewer work, 83d and Cottage Grove. 83 GUARANTEE EMPLOYMENT.

News 396 FARM Telephone Iowa 135 X. 391 EXP. man bookkeeper, $75 to $100. M. 1597.

391 -Ball games with an amateur teams in the state. Red Men Baseball Club, E. L. Toombs, Marshalltown, Ia. 395 HELP WANTED--FEMALE.

WOMEN and girls to make simple drawings, devote spare or whole time; experience unnecessary; splendid income; write for particulars, International Art League, Lockport, N. Y. 725 BUYING diamonds is saving money; start to saving today; watches and jew. elry on credit; just pay can; your pin money. will do it.

Smith's, News Arcade; open evenings (repairing). 305 to do sewing inachine work in Ten skirt factory. Good wages to beGirls ginners. Woolen Mills, 8th and MarSteady work. Capital ket Sts.

82 ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON may earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for particulars. Press Syndicate. Lockport, N. Y.

826 WANTED Competent girl for general housework; family of two; wages $5. Apply at once J. C. Souttee, 1890 Pleasant, suite No. 2.

392 WANTED- Millinery apprentices by wholesale house; good opportunity for advancement. Lederer, Strauss 306 Court Ave. 0611 WANTED- Millinery salesiadles for positions both in and out of the city. Apply Lederer. Strauss 306 Court ave.

497 WANTED--Lady tailoress to make alterations on both ladies and gents' garments. Good wages. Wettstein, Ames, Ia. 0722 WANTED--At once, three first class coat makers and one pants and vest maker. Address L.

B. 92, New Hampton, Iowa. 296 TWO waltresses, 2 chambermaids, dishwasher for Okoboji; tickets ready; call early. Room 5, News Arcade. 391 WANTED- A competent girl for Best wages.

general housework. Family of two. 2833 Brattleboro. 0710 WANTED- Girl for general housework, small family; no washing or ironing. 1306 High St.

1911 DUCK HATES 15c. 25c. Mason's WHITE 819 WOMAN for general housework on farm; good home. Mrs. W.

Craig, Walnut, Ia. 294 WANTED--Girl for general house work. Address Box 324, Adel, Ia. 174 GOOD CLERK over 16 for fruit and candy store. Iowa 135 X.

391 WANTED- once, a competent chambermaid at the Iowa hotel. 371 PANTRY GIRL wanted at the Kirkwood. Apply at private office. 05.25 WANTED -Dish washer and scrub woman. Wellington Cafe.

392 -Chambermaid St. Joe hotel, Valley 0718 INSTITUTION or private nurse for Dr. la. 1235X. 391 GUARANTEE EMPLOYMENT.

News Arcade. 395 PANTRY woman; no Sunday work. Mut. 7940K. 391 FIRST cook, 2d cook; steady.

Mut. 7940K. 391 PHONE girl over 16. Mut. 7940K.

391 DRESSMAKING. SPORT. KNIFE, side and sunburst plaiting. Buttons covered. Cleaning, pressing, repairing and dyeing.

Van Arnam's Bazaar, 202 7th St. 823 LEARN dressmaking of Madame Stevenson, the only teacher who gives pupils employment in work room. Tuition $25. 0919 MADAME HOLEHAN'S dressmaking school; tailor system taught. Positions furnished students.

Over 507 Walnut St. 0628 MISS CURRIER, Modiste. 2409 University Ave. Iowa phone 2606. 0101 HELP WANTED--Male or Female.

WANTED -Cooks, waiters, porters, laborers, teamsters, kitchen helpers, farmers. Mote. 307 4th. 812 GUARANTEE EMPLOYMENT. News Arcade, 396 Guarantee EMPLOYMENT News Arcade.

0,11 ATTRACTIONS. CARNIVAL attraction wanted for Aug. 16th and 17th; particulars and prices on balloon ascensions and other suitable etreet entertainments for carnivals. W. J.


WE WANT a live agent in every town in the U. S. and Canada to sell our wonderful new discovery Skat-Skeeto. Absolutely drives away mosquitoes; pleasant to use; decidedly effective; full size package 25c or send 6c for sample to Skat-Skeeto Deg Moines. Ia.

397 NOTICE- Picture men! Portraits and frames, bromide and solar prints at lowest prices. Write for catalogue. Leach City Directory Kansas City, Mo. 729 AGENTS per week easily made. for sample and terms.

H. Lugar Fort Dodge, Ia. 728 AGENTS- Quick for surprise novelty samples; terms 10c. Iblings Waterloo, Ia. 83 SALESMEN WANTED.

ed -Experienced salesman. 802 W. 2d 0530 SITUATION WANTED. POSITION WANTED -By young business woman, now private secretary to president of large manufacturing concern. Bookkeeper and expert stenographer; familiar with office systems; capable of handling correspondence.

Unquestionable references. Will consider only responsible position with commensurate salary. Address, 265, care Register and Leader. 197 WANTED -Position in general store or grocery department, by man with 20 years experience. Good reference.

Address A 233, care of Register and Leader, 777 DRUGGIST wants position as clerk or manager would invest some money if satisfactory location. John S. Farran, Rowan, Iowa, 174 STENOGRAPHER in as government service private secretary. Address D-196, care Register and Leader. 173 WANTED Temporary place in shorthand or bookkeeping.

A1 references. Address A-238, care Register and Leader. 371 REGISTERED pharmacist. experienced, wants position in drug store. Charles E.

Johnson, Elkhart, Iowa. 374 WANTED. Position by experienced Leader. bookkeeper. V-107, care Register and 810 LOST AND FOUND.

LOST- bunch of keys on a Please heartshape ring Thursday evening. return to 512 Utica for reward. 372 FURNISHED ROOMS. CREDIT to everybody; watches, jewelry; $1 a week; watches $15 up; bracelets, brooches, rings, neck chains, lockets, tie pins; just anything at Smith's, Arcade repairing; open evenings. 895 FURNISHED south room for rent; all modern enveniences; use telephone; street car line.

Call 952 Eighth St. Mut. phone K-7784. 059 Mrs. Miller -(Newly rooms located) and board -Fur.

at reasonable prices; good location, 835 5th St. 730 FOR RENT-One cool, pleasant furnished room, modern, suitable for one or two. Phone service. 417 Chestnut St. 373 MODERN furnished rooms, good location; close in; reasonable prices.

426 Chestnut. 727 FOR RENT-One furnished front room, upstairs. 814 School. Mut. Phone 7964 L.

0716 TWO furnished rooms modern; with small family. 225 care Register aud Leader. 373 MODERN furnished rooms; also sewing wanted. 1020 High street. 072 NEWLY furnished modern rooms for rent: 733 E.

Walnut. 693 TWO nicely furnished rooms. University Place. 1338 27th St. 193 DESIRABLE rooms.

1407 High. Easy walking distance. 816 FOR RENT-Furnished rooms for gentlemen. 1224 Center, 193 COOLEST rooms close in, with bath at 827 West Fifth. 777 NICELY furnished rooms at the Orland.

817 Pleasant. 079 FURNISHED ROOMS (housekeeping). 938 4th St. 729 NICELY furnished rooms, modern house. 701 7th St.

819 MOD. FUR. RMS. and board, 1061 9th. I.

2729. 1227 FRONT room and alcove; modern. 844 5th. 0626 FURNISHED rooms and board, 210 10th. 0716 2 Nicely fur.

mod. rooms, 833 W. 8th st. 814 MODERN room, 1223 6th. Mut.

7596-F. 818 ELEGANT ROOMS -(Adair) 717 4th. 529 MODERN ROOMS -907 6th Ave. 817 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. CREDIT to everybody; watches $15 watches, jewelry; $1 a week; up; bracelets, brooches, rings, neck chains, lockets, tie pins; anything at Smith's, News Arcade repairing; open evenings.

395 ROOMS over 416 4th suitable for office, living or light manufacturing. Low rent. Campbell-Russell Co. 0516 OFFICE ROOMS. THREE office rooms at 512 Walnut, over Wabash ticket office, for rent.

Apply McClure Agency. 310 5th. 103 BOARD AND ROOM. 6TH rooms with board. House modern, a home for young men.

901 6th. 818 FOR RENT. MODERN 6 room house to rent cheap. Five minutes walk from town. Also 4 room flat, strictly up to date, in Butler 15th and Grand, $23.00.

BRUCE E. BUTLER 204 K. of P. Block Mutual 7955 K. X725 LARGE 28 room house (unfurnished), suitable for boarding.

rooming or transienta. centrally located, desirable neighborhood, very reasonable rent if taken at once. Former tenant made fortune. Somebody else will do the same. Is it YOU? Lease it NOW and take advantage of state fair crowds.

Address Lock Box 923, Des Moines, IA. 696 ACCOUNT present tenants (manufacturers), building, can transfer very desirable lease on two story brick with basem*nt, running from street to alley, conveniently arranged, offices, shipping room, work room, fine location, west side. Address Lock Box 923, Des Moines, Ia. 196 JAQUITH RESIDENCE. 935 W.

6th 10 rooms; private entrance: strictly modern; hot water heat; porch and fine yard; Janitor service: references. HATTON-McCUTCHEON, Mut. 338: la. 961-M. 0417 A NEW 7 room modern house, mission oak finish, acre ground, fruit, chicken house, 3 blocks from car, north west city, a bargain to right party until March first.

Who will lease for another year? C. M. Stewart 107 E. Locust. Mutual phone East 274.

0721 GO TO THE New Hotel. 420 Court Central State hotel; hot and cold water; rooms 25 cents, single cots; all cars pass the door. Opposite the postoffice; splendid reading room. 0411 3 rooms 205 West 9th. 4 rooms 815 Mulberry $11 5 833 East 5th 88 4 rooms and bath 520 E.

5th $15 497 FOR RENT -Neat 5 room cottage down town, also large house and 10 acres ground, $12.50 per month. B. F. Loos 207-8 Watrous bldg. 0627 3 Rooms and toilet, steam modern, heat, well outside venwindows.

$12 to $16. Apply suite 4, over 511 E. Locust St. 85 NEW 1-room modern house, 2817 Forest or will sell on easy payments, Oscar Lofquist. 406 Locust St.

0628 FOR RENT-One cool, pleasant furnished room, modern, suitable for one or two. Phone service 417 Chestnut street. 173 FOR RENT-3 rooms with alcove, furnished for housekeeping; a rent very reasonable: 1211 Grand avenue. 044 NEW modern 7-room house for rent in University Place. 2813 Forest Ave.

Mutual 7732-B. 194 THREE furnished A or unfurnished strictly mod. rooms for light housekeeping: 1440 20th St. 392 FOR RENT- -Furnished rooming house. Address K-222, care Register and Leader.

191 FOR RENT- -Nicely furnished home for 8 mo. or year. 2830 Rutland Ave. Mutual 7534-L. 497 Lnden.

HOUSE of 6 rooms. Inquire at X723 1621 MOD. 13 room house, Mut. 7464-K. 819 7-ROOM mod.

house; 1331 Center St. 513 SHOPPING BYTELEPHONE Ready Reference to Rellable Firms. BUTTER AND EGGS. COUNTRY BUTTER ANDFRESH EGGS -Butter and Egg Market, 502 6th Ave. ELECTRICIANS.

MOTOR, elevator repairing a specialty, John Collins, Ia. ph. 1269-J. Mut. 1927.

ICE CREAM. ACME ICE CREAM 1118 Grand Ave. Ia. 1324-X; 513. 819x RAPID DELIVERY.

ROCHELLE'S livery, rapid delivery, baggage transferred all parts city; phones 999 01:5 FLATS FOR RENT. FOR SALE -Owner of furnishings in prettiest 5 room apartment in Des Moines: leaving city; will sell for cash entire equipment and give immediate occupancy. Everything Will new and complete for housekeeping. make very low price. Address F-246 care Register and Leader.

0721 SUITE of five rooms and bath; private entrance, facing campus of Drake versity; beautiful clean place for summer; etrictly modern. See Brokaw, 2411 Mutual phone 1200. 0523 FLAT -New, finely papered, 6 rooms, bath, modern; give possession at once. 734 E. Wal.

or call 1716 Mut. phone. 0718 WANTED--Brighton flatz, 8th and School. Best lighted and coolest flat in city. Inquire 506 Citizens Bank Bldg.

0630 UNEXPIRED TERM best flat in city, a bargain. Mut. phone 669 or call 506 Youngerman. 593 FOR RENT- Seven room brick flat, modern improvements. Hansen Drug cor.

5th, 728 REMOVAL NOTICE. Carmon Layton lowa State Agent of The Naturita Canal Reservoir Company of Denver, Colorado. Real estate and rentals, exchanges and insurance, has removed from 817 5th Into temporary offices at 310 Crocker Building. 074 STORE ROOMS FOR RENT. WANTED TO LEASE New building for grocery store; fine location and sure money maker for the right party.

Address Box 85, Des Moines. x723 ENTIRE third floor new building, 7th and Mulberry, suitable for mfg or printing. F. A. Rollins, 204 K.

P. Blk. 597 FOR RENT store rooms, northeast corner 9th and Locust. R. Coskery, 607 Iowa Loan Trust Bldg.

0710 UPSTAIRS room 100x22 suitable for light W. manufacturing or storage. Over 117 Walnut. 0720 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO or without board, sleeping room in a cottage at Okoboji by two young men, week of Aug.

4. Must be reasonable. Give price. Address Box 704, Des Moines. 377 TRAVELING man wishes a nice room with a small, private family; on west side, in good neighborhood; also meals when In city.

Address K-217, care Register and Leader. YOUNG PHYSICIAN locating in Des A Moines desires room with well established family. Address F-248, care Register Leader. 193 I HAVE CALLS for houses to rent. List with me.

Walker, 510 I. L. T. Mut. 7451-K.

173. WANTED TO BUY. want to buy a house and lot on payments same as rent, on east side. Price not over $1,400 and Write, giving location of property, to X421, care Register and Leader. 0723 property for We Want Vestments.

bargain or two in We Have age and city property. OKOBOJI, LAKE property a specialty. Insurance, real estate, loans. H. H.

LANTZ CO. 200 Youngerman Blk. x0717 SIMPLEX TEAM WANTED--By county seat weekly. Sets 30 galleys weekly. Must have good work and clean proofs.

Pay for overtime. Address M-261, care Register and Leader. x727 WANTED for old feather feathers. beds; Will highest stay a week Des Moines. Address Simon Cohen, Gen.

and I will call. 697 I WANT to buy second hand furniture; pay highest price; lowa Furniture Store, 119 Walnut Iowa phone 1722J, Wagon will call. 077 HIGHEST prices paid for household goods. Red Star Store, 717 Grand. la.

phone 1109-X. 061 SELL US YOUR old furniture and stoves. Yankee Furniture Store, 608 West Grand. 076 WANTED To buy a stock merchandise for cash. Box 86 Montezuma, Ia.

WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED--To borrow $25,000 of private party on farm land. Address M-259, Register and Leader. 373 MONEY TO LOAN--REAL ESTATE. MONEY LOANED ON DES MOINES REAL ESTATE Hatton-McCutchen Agency 308 and 310 West 5th 8t 0119 MONEY TO LOAN on farm and city anal estate, Low rates and favorable terma.

lowa Loan Trust Co. 0117 I HAVE money to loan. W. H. ARNOLD 201-2 Block.

Younger693 MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATESamson Noble, Attorneys, Clapp Blk. 725 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS AND SALARY. VERY LOWEST RATES On Chattel or Salary Loans If you borrow $15, pay back .40 a week. If you borrow $20. back .50 a week.

If you borrow $25, pay back .65 a week. If you borrow $30, pay back .75 a week. If you borrow $35, pay back 1.00 a week. If you borrow $40, pay back 1.25 a week. borrow $45, pay back 1.50 a week.

If you borrow $50, pay back 1.75 a week. You get the full amount in cash. No extra charges; no red tape. We guarantee strictest privacy. 20 years in business.

A. Adler, 315-313 Utica Bldg. 0721 LOANS AT On furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, life insurance, also SALARY LOANS Anyone holding a position can get money of us on his own note. Business strictly confidential. We advertise our rates because we can prove to you they are the lowest in the city, S.

Gordon, 517 Walnut Room 304, over Frankel Clothing Store. 0723.

The Des Moines Register from Des Moines, Iowa (2024)


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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.